I’ll be talking about implementing the Onion Architecture using the S#arp framework at Milwaukee’s ALT.NET group on November 21st, 2011.
There is more information here, and you can register here.
I hope to see you there!
I’ll be talking about implementing the Onion Architecture using the S#arp framework at Milwaukee’s ALT.NET group on November 21st, 2011.
There is more information here, and you can register here.
I hope to see you there!
I’ll be talking about T4 Templates in .NET in Dubuque, IA on November 1st, 2011. The presentation is on the Clarke University campus, in the Keller Computer Center, at 5:30 PM.
The group’s website is at http://dbqineta.com/.
The presentation description:
Continue reading Presenting at the Dubuque .NET User Group on November 1st, 2011 – T4 Templates
I’ll be speaking at the Fox Valley .NET User Group on October 11th, 2011. The event is at 5:30 PM in Appleton – Fox Valley Technical College, 1825 N. Bluemound, Room A170 A/B, Appleton, WI 54912. See the FV NUG site for more details.
I will be giving my “Agile Modeling with VS 2010 Ultimate and Feature Pack 2” presentation.
I hope to see you there.
I’ll be speaking at the Chicago Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) user group on January 12th, 2011. The event is at 6:30 PM, at the downtown Microsoft offices – in the Aon Center, 200 E Randolph. Continue reading Presenting in Chicago on January 12th, 2011 – Agile Modeling with VS 2010 Using the Architecture Tools
I’ll be speaking at the Milwaukee .NET user group on October 12th, 2010. Continue reading Architecture/UML Tools in VS 2010 Presentation in Milwaukee on October 12th, 2010